Hydrometeorological engineering survey

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Hydrometeorological engineering survey

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Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys provide a comprehensive study of the hydrometeorological conditions of the construction site and the forecast of possible changes in these conditions as a result of interaction with the designed object in order to obtain the necessary and sufficient materials and data to make informed design decisions.

The tasks of engineering and hydrometeorological surveys are:

determining the possibility of meeting the water demand and organizing various types of water use;
selection of locations for the construction site (highway) and its engineering protection from adverse hydrometeorological impacts;
development of the master plan of the territory;
the choice of structures, the definition of their basic parameters and organization of construction;
determination of operating conditions of facilities;
assessment of the impact of construction projects on the environmental water and air environment and the development of environmental protection measures.
The following are subject to hydrometeorological surveys: the hydrological regime (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, estuaries of rivers, temporary watercourses, coastal and offshore zones of the seas), climatic conditions and certain meteorological characteristics, dangerous hydrometeorological processes and phenomena. Hydrometeorological surveys also produce a study of technogenic changes in hydrological and climatic conditions or their individual characteristics.

The composition of the engineering and hydrometeorological surveys:

collection, analysis and synthesis of materials of hydrometeorological and cartographic study of the territory;
reconnaissance survey of the engineering survey area;
monitoring the characteristics of the hydrological regime of water bodies and meteorological elements;
the study of dangerous hydrometeorological processes and phenomena;
study of the soil freezing regime and snow cover characteristics (for land);
office processing of materials with the definition of the calculated hydrological and (or) meteorological characteristics;
drawing up a technical report.

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